Askins Receives OPEA Lifetime Achievement Award

OPEA presented Lieutenant Governor Jari Askins with its highest honor recently at an awards dinner in Tulsa, sponsored by the North East Transportation Chapter.

“The Lifetime Achievement Award represents a lifetime of advocating for state employees,” said OPEA Executive Director Sterling Zearley. “It’s an award that is reserved for OPEA’s past presidents, former executive directors and legislators who have been leaders in supporting state employees.”

During her tenure in the Oklahoma House of Representatives, Askins was the champion for the benefit allowance, ensuring the allowance covered options for state employees and helped with out-of-pocket expenses. She was also the House leader for the initial dependent insurance bill and later worked to increase the amount. Askins authored several pay bills in the House and received the OPEA Legislator of the Year award numerous times.

“Our Lieutenant Governor has worked tirelessly on important issues affecting the lives of state employees,” Zearley said. “In spite of her busy work schedule she always takes time to visit with state workers and remains one of our strongest advocates.”

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