Have you thought about serving on the OPEA Board of Directors to help guide the association on its mission? OPEA active members in odd numbered regions and the retirees in the west side of the state and Oklahoma County will be choosing new leaders this summer and the filing period is June 8 through June 22. Filing forms must be received in the OPEA office no later than 5:00 PM, June 22. Although, June 22 is a Saturday, the FAX machine will be working to receive forms, or they can be mailed or dropped off in the mail slot at the OPEA office, 13 NE 28, Oklahoma City, OK 73105.
According to the OPEA Bylaws, the Association elects these regions in odd-numbered years. (To find your region, refer to the maps in the May/June Advocate or call the OPEA office.) Candidates for these positions must have been an OPEA member for one year and live in the region for the office they are seeking. In addition, candidates cannot have been a member of a competing organization for two years. OPEA members elected for these offices will serve on the Board of Directors and work with their local regional councils. The OPEA Board meets approximately eight times per year on Saturday at the OPEA office in Oklahoma City. In addition, regional directors attend activities in their area. The term of office for the positions will be January 2014 through December 2015.
For more information see the election rules and filing form in the quick links section of the OPEA website. Contact Trish Frazier at 405-524-6764 or 800-880-6732 t with any questions.