47th Annual OPEA Convention Attendee Handbook


Friday, August 26th

3 PM – 6PM – Registration

Door Prize chances and silent auction start

6 PM – Legislative Reception Begins

Join us in welcoming our state-elected officials and candidates running for office this year. Take this opportunity to educate the legislature on the diverse jobs Oklahoma state employees do and how they can best support us going forward.

7 PM – Shuttle to Dinner & Entertainment Begins

Our shuttle bus will take attendees to Chisholm Creek Oklahoma City’s newest premier entertainment district and Remington Park.

8 PM – Legislative Reception Ends
12 AM – Shuttle to return from dinner & entertainment stops


Saturday, August 27th

7 AM – Breakfast Buffet Opens

Members staying overnight at the convention hotel will receive 2 tickets per room!

7:30 AM – Retired Members Breakfast

Those who are retired from the state of Oklahoma and who are members of OPEA, listen up! You are invited to the retiree breakfast at OPEA’s annual convention this year! The breakfast will take place at the Oklahoma City Holiday Inn North, at 8 in the morning on Saturday, August 27th. This will be a great opportunity for you to get your voice and concerns heard! Don’t just stay for breakfast though, this is a great way to meet with other fellow retired state employees. We hope to see you there!

9 AM – Business Begins & Breakfast Buffet Closes

Create our 2023 legislative agenda by presenting, considering, and voting on platform planks submitted by OPEA members. Announce the winners of the 2022 OPEA regional director elections.

9:20 AM – OPEA Presidental Address
9:30 AM – Civil Service Modernization, Workday, and PMP Panel Discussion
10:45 AM – Break
11 AM – Business Resumes

Platform Plank Process Begins

11:30 AM – Lunch & Continue Business

Lunch is free for OPEA members. Guest must pay $25 at registration to eat lunch with our delegation.

Platform plank discussion continues

Adjourn when business is concluded

Platform Planks

[embeddoc url=”https://opea1.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Attendee-Handbook-Planks-to-be-Presented.pdf” download=”all”]

OPEA Delegate Assembly Rules for Platform Plank Discussion

Plank Procedure Simple Breakdown

Full Plank Procedure Policy

Today Planks will be officially introduced at OPEA Convention. The OPEA member who submitted the plank will introduce it at convention or the designated person from their region will introduce the plank as their proxy. New planks can be introduced today if the plank has the support of 10 attending OPEA members

NOTE: The “rule of 10” proposed plank is eligible for discussion, debate, and amendments at the convention. The proposed plank or amended plank must be reviewed and approved by the OPEA Board of Directors to ensure that the proposed plank or amended plank does not violate OPEA by-laws, mission, policies, or state and federal law. Only upon review and approval of the OPEA Board may the proposed plank be included in the online voting process

Attending members can debate, amend, and ask questions. We will not be voting to approve or deny planks at the convention.

OPEA Convention will be live streamed online using Facebook Live

  • Online attendees may ask questions
  • Online Attendees may not debate, or amend platform planks

The final approval voting will take place online

  • Online Voting on Platform Planks will begin no later than August 29th at 5 PM
  • Voting opens following the conclusion of OPEA convention to ensure that the online voting system accurately reflects any changes to planks
  • The voting form will be published online via Facebook, Twitter, OPEA.org, and members will have to form emailed to them.
  • OPEA platform plank committee and staff will count and verify votes using the online form
  • To vote on platform planks you must be an OPEA member prior to July 5th, 2022
  • Voting on Platform planks will end on September 13th at 5PM
  • OPEA platform plank committee & staff will certify the votes
  • The voting results on the platform will be announced on or before September 16th.

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