OPEA held a luncheon recently at the Department of Agriculture in Oklahoma City. Many attended in hopes of gaining more information about who OPEA is and what we do for state workers. OPEA Membership Representative Brandon Watkins talked about the association’s history and current events like the proposed alternative work week, and the Annual Convention. Board member Thomas McDonald also attended and talked about the membership perks, including purchasing power, help with the grievance process and making sure the benefit allowance we all take for granted continues to go unscathed.
Long time employee and OPEA member Candice Christian helped put the luncheon together, and said she believes in the work OPEA does for state employees. “I believe everyone should be a member of OPEA in order to become united like the teachers association and the troopers association. It would be nice if state workers were united in this way,” said Christian. “If all state employees were on the same page, then there would be no stopping us. We would have a voice just as strong and clear as they do.”
OPEA Membership Representative Brandon Watkins said he agrees with Christian. “It is very important that workers understand the interworking of politics as they are in reality. In so doing, they empower themselves to a point where success becomes the by-product and not the focal point,” said Watkins. “They find they are all moving in one direction unitarily and when this happens their strength automatically increases exponentially while the effort they exert decreases simultaneously. It’s quite a phenomenon when you see it or experience it firsthand. And history proves these phenomena have happened and will continue to happen with the right leadership and capable people acting en mass and wanting change,” Watkins said.
OPEA Board Member Thomas McDonald talked about many of the benefits OPEA Members receive. “I’m very happy we are partnering with Purchasing Power and are able to buy computers at a lower cost through OPEA,” said McDonald. “It’s a good program, and I’ve actually used it and purchased a computer with it. In addition to Purchasing Power, we have on our staff a former Merit Protection Commission employee with over 25 years experience with the grievance process. He now helps our members go before the MPC with confidence, and you definitely need this when filing a grievance or appealing a suspension and/or termination. Another perk is the OPEA team of full-time lobbyists who keep our members abreast of legislation that is going to affect them directly through their benefit allowance and longevity,” McDonald said.
If any state employee is interested in joining OPEA or desires more information please log on to the website at www.opea.org or contact Brandon Watkins to learn more about becoming not only a member, but an active member of the association and letting OPEA work for you!