“Desperate times call for desperate measures,” said Lisa Heffner of the Antlers DHS Office during a recent Oklahoma Public Employees Association meeting. “We have to work together with the tools available to us,” Heffner said.
“Office employees gathered around the table as current members and new members discussed the troubling future of Oklahoma’s economic effect on state services,” said Rick Allen, OPEA Membership Representative.
OPEA members were discussing ways to save the state money without losing services and programs. One such comment came from OPEA member Joyce Smith: “Tie the legislators’ insurance package with state employees. If state legislators get a pay raise then so should state employees. Why at this time in Oklahoma’s economic situation is our Governor implementing a new Information Technology Unit which will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars,” said Smith.
Join OPEA and its members in a quest to look into the solution for agency’s economic shortfalls. Be part of the proactive team.