Call Governor Stitt And Ask Him To Sign House Bill 3350 – The COLA Bill
His Telephone Number is (405) 521-2342
The COLA bill is now in Governor Stitt’s hands. If he signs it into law, it would grant a Cost of Living Adjustment for retirees in all of the state public retirement systems, including retired state employees. The COLA would be the first in 12 years. If he does not sign it, it cannot be voted on again until 2022.
Please let him know:
• It would be the first COLA in 12 years yet living expenses have risen each year
• The COLA would not jeopardize the pension funds or future retiree payments
• The funds for the COLA do not come from the state budget and do not take funds away from core services.
• The COLA will bring hundreds of millions of dollars into local communities because retirees spend their money locally
• It would help retirees meet their basic needs like food, prescriptions, utilities and daily living expenses
• Retirees served Oklahoma well and deserve our support
This is the last step in our effort to pass a long-overdue COLA for Oklahoma’s public retirees. Let’s work to see this bill signed into law. Thank you for advocating on behalf of public retirees.