Recent comments from the Governor’s office about staffing at Oklahoma’s correctional centers shows a lack of understanding of the conditions in our centers. The statements claimed there are no safety issues for our correctional officers due to short staffing. However, men and women working in those facilities know better. OPEA has already written to Gov. Fallin’s office and lawmakers to express our concern about this viewpoint.
OPEA would like for Oklahoma’s leaders to hear from correctional officers how the lack of staff has impacted their work. OPEA is already aware of the problems short staffing causes our members but we believe it is time that state officials hear from front-line staff about dangers and challenges correctional officers face daily.
We need OPEA members working in correctional centers to tell us of “real world” examples of situations made worse due to being short staffed. You don’t need to include your name or the names of others in the example but we want to use actual events. Tell us how your work is more difficult due to staffing. Try to be as brief, but as thorough, in your story but describe real-world situations you have faced.
OPEA will publish these without your name or the names of others. We will provide these stories to legislators, Gov. Fallin and other state leaders as well as the general public via our website and Facebook.
Include your name and contact information so we may contact you if we have questions. However, your name will not be used in any of the materials we produce. It is crucial that Oklahomans know the difficulties faced daily by our correctional center staff. Please help OPEA tell your story. Email your examples to Tom Dunning.