Oklahoma City investigative reporter Phil Cross of Fox 25 News was presented with OPEA’s 2017 Journalist of the Year award for his reporting on Oklahoma’s state government and state agency operations.
OPEA recognized Cross for his reporting on unfair practices involving management of the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation and other state agency’s activities. OPEA expects changes in organizations’ management relating to personnel actions and believe his reporting contributed greatly to these changes. Cross has also been a leader in monitoring Oklahoma’s agencies compliance with open records laws to ensure transparency and openness in our state government.
OPEA is not the only organization that sees the importance of Phil’s work. This year, the Heartland Regional Emmy Competition awarded Phil an Emmy for his work on an investigative look at civil asset forfeiture in the state of Oklahoma.
Cross graduated Summa Cum Laude from Missouri Southern State University with a degree in communications and psychology and also studied at the University of Cambridge in England.
He was presented the award at OPEA’s annual convention at Lake Murray State Park Lodge on August 26th and was joined by his wife and daughters.