OPEA members must be active this session if we are to improve employee pay, get a retiree pension increase, improve the merit system, protect our benefits or pass other measures that help our members and the services they provide.
We are here to work with our members in a grassroots efforts to show lawmakers how important state employees, and the services they provide, are to all Oklahomans. In this email you’ll find tools to help you navigate through the legislative process and how to contact your legislators.
Our friends at the Oklahoma Policy Institute have created a comprehensive Legislative Primer as a great overview of how ideas become laws and who is in leadership positions in Oklahoma’s legislature. It also contains the various deadlines that bills must meet in order to be heard by the house and senate.
Also, please save February 22nd and April 4th on your calendars for OPEA Day at the Capitol. We will again use these days to conduct small group or one-on-one discussions with legislators. It’s crucial that we fill up the hallways with state employees and retirees on those days. OPEA will have more details soon but please make plans to attend.