On Friday, March 14, OPEA Membership Representative Alicia Wright, traveled to Idabel for a pizza luncheon. 70% of the office employees gathered together to discuss legislative updates, DHS Lobby Day, and agency issues.
The item employees were most concerned with was HB 2890, which sought to break DHS into three separate entities. Wright explained to all that the bill is now dead, however the bill seeking an audit of DHS is still alive. DHS employees stated, “Bring it on!”
Another key topic was HB 3108. All employees present were excited and pleased to hear that HB 3108 is dead. Employees present stated their benefits are a key factor in their employment.
Wright encouraged all to continue writing, calling and e-mailing their legislators and making their voices heard. Wright stated, “We should not rest just because 3108 is a non-issue. We still have much to accomplish this year, such as our pay raise. We must keep up the communications.”
Idabel’s new members include: Jeanne Tyler, Joyce Summers, Tawana Williams, Wanda McMennamy, Charla Bushers, Barbara Mills, Diana Miller, Rita Killian, Sherry Clay, Kathy Spalla, Sandra Vanedever, Kim Scott, William Mayhall, Katrina Anderson, S.Keith Sanders, Eara Jean Hutton, Edith Maben, Glenda Copeland, and Vanessa Burris.
“Idabel DHS is an incredibly motivated office,” Wright said. “The office has an almost 80% OPEA membership and I see them becoming even stronger in the future.”