OPEA recently held a luncheon at the JD McCarty Center in Norman in order to tell state employees the good news about what OPEA is doing for them. Membership representative Brandon Watkins was there to answer legislative questions and show them how to become involved and stay tuned in to the current happenings at the Capitol. OPEA founder, board member, and long-time state employee Dixie Jackson was the special guest-speaker.
“I was very excited to come to the JD McCarty Center today and speak to all of the hard working, good-hearted people here who put the public first everyday,” said Jackson. “As one of the founding members of OPEA, our intention was to construct an entity which unifies all state employees into one voice whereby creating the political clout needed to succeed in the political realm. We’ve grown immensely as an association from those days, both in numbers and experience. It makes me happy to see so many people here today asking questions, showing interest in the association, and deciding to join. I look forward to attending many more luncheons and having the opportunity to share my experiences being involved in OPEA,” Jackson said.
“I felt it an honor and privilege for Dixie to be here today with me and speak to the workers,” Watkins said. “She carries with her a lot of history concerning the beginnings of OPEA; what works, what doesn’t work, and the whole growth process up to now of this association. She understands the importance of becoming an active member and the power it has on impacting the Capitol when added to the increasing numbers,” said Watkins.
If you are a state employee and want your voice heard at the Capitol, then it’s time to join your coworkers in order to have the biggest and loudest voice possible. Join OPEA and make your voice heard! For more information about becoming a member please visit our website at www.opea.org or contact Brandon Watkins at (405) 524-6764 ext. 208.