Lawton Veterans Center Says “YES” to OPEA

The Lawton Veterans Center in Lawton Oklahoma came out in force for OPEA at a recent meeting held with Rick Allen OPEA Membership Representative.

Allen noted that most of the new members came from a competing association and were interested in supporting an organization that better fits their beliefs.

Julie McBribe stated, “I was a member of Communication Workers of America/Oklahoma State Workers Union (CWA). OPEA is run by Oklahoma state employees for state employee members.”

Derven Hunter agreed “I want an association such as OPEA that has Oklahoma employees as its focus. I don’t really concern myself with out of state employee agendas. I was a CWA member until today.”

Diana Peck joined OPEA because “OPEA promotes fair treatment for all state employees no matter what agency or position they hold.”

Kelli Craig says, “Honesty goes a long way with me. I believe in OPEA. I also believe OPEA has a good plan for meeting state employee’s objectives.”

Stacy Gerald, Candice Fletcher, Patrice Mooney, Gail South, Kelvin Morgan, Margret Rosado and Jackie Townsend all conclude, “It is basic representation for the state employee welfare.”

With the pressing economic situation, all state agencies budget cuts are digging deep into the services state employees provide for the State of Oklahoma. Join OPEA’s efforts in keeping the quality services state employees provide intact.

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