April 14th was a legislative deadline.
The deadline was for bills to be passed out of the opposite chamber’s committee. All house bills must be heard by senate committees, and all Senate bills must be heard by the house committees. This is when a lot of bills die, and you will see that in the attached document.
OPEA bills that have died this week:
HB 3320 Free night stay at state park bill:
This legislation would have allowed Oklahoma state employees one free night a year at any of our Oklahoma State lodges/cabins. This legislation failed because it was not heard in a senate committee.
HB 3669 Retiree Tax Benefit:
Currently, Oklahoma State retirees’ first $10,000 a year they earn from their pension is tax-free. This legislation would have increased the tax-free limit to the first $15,000 a year. This legislation was not heard in a senate committee.
[embeddoc url=”https://opea1.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Bill-Status-Report-4-14-22.docx” download=”all”]