OPEA’s website has a new look. Through this change we will be better able to provide you with the latest information and updates about OPEA, state government t and agency news. Currently you do not need to login to access the information so please disregard the login tab on the main page.
OPEA’s website has a new look. Through this change we will be better able to provide you with the latest information and updates about OPEA, state government t and agency news. Currently you do not need to login to access the information so please disregard the login tab on the main page. We are also working on the online application so the one on the site is currently disabled. If you would like to apply to be an OPEA member, you can email Membership Director Candice Scarpitti at candices@opea.org or if you have questions about the website, email Communications Coordinator Tom Dunning at tomd@opea.org. You can also visit OPEA’s Facebook page or follow our Twitter feed @OklaPEA for updates