OPEA Lobby Day at the Capitol
Wednesday, February 22nd
It’s Not Hopeless and We’re Not Helpless
State employees and retirees are coming to the Oklahoma State Capitol to tell legislators it is time for a pay raise and a pension increase, and you must protect our benefits. Some lawmakers are discussing a teacher pay raise but state employee issues are just as critical and we’re going to send that message to lawmakers. On February 22nd, our members will have individual discussions with legislators about our issues. With so many new lawmakers this year, we must tell our stories about the services we provide.
Please join us at the OPEA offices (13 NE 28th Street) for a pre-meeting at 11:30 a.m. There we will have lunch and discuss the legislation we need to focus on and go over some tips on advocating with your legislators. Or, if you just want to come over to the capitol on your lunch hour at 1:00 p.m., OPEA leaders and staff will be there to help you find your legislators. We urge the employees in the capitol complex to come over on their lunch hour and be heard.
Despite the budget challenges, a state employee pay raise is possible. However, if state employees are not active and engaged with their lawmakers, it won’t happen. It’s time to speak up for yourself, your coworkers and your agency. Legislators work for you and they need to hear from you on February 22nd.