History will be made on Monday, February 25 as OPEA Executive Director Sterling Zearley and Deputy Director Scott Barger will take state employee issues to the House Republican Caucus.
“I cannot stress what a massive inroad this is for the OPEA cause,” said Zearley. “Not only has OPEA never had the opportunity to speak in front of this group, the caucus rarely allows advocacy groups of any kind to make presentations.”
OPEA believes that credit should go to newly elected Speaker Chris Benge and his leadership team.
“Speaker Benge and his team are showing an interest in state employee concerns,” Zearley said. “This signals, what we hope will be a new level of cooperation, on issues for which we can find common ground such as pay, retirement, modernization and efficiency in government. This is a great opportunity to have all the House Republicans hear about state employee issues and give them a chance to ask question. It will certainly lead to a better understanding of the needs.”
Zearley and Barger’s presentation will include elements of the OPEA platform.
“It’s very early in the session, but this invitation signals what could be a very productive relationship with the controlling party in the House,” Zearley said. “The fact that we have been invited to give this presentation signals a great level of respect for state employees.”