OPEAPAC to Involve Membership in Candidate Endorsement Process

OPEAPAC to Involve Membership in Candidate Endorsement Process

A significant change in the way that OPEAPAC endorses candidates is on the agenda for this election cycle.

According to Trustee Larry Kelley, the concept will allow for more local, member-driven involvement.

“In the March issue of “The Advocate,” we are going to print a form that our members should take time to review,” he said. “This will ask them at what level should we endorse local politicians.”

Kelley said that there are three different questions members should ask regarding their legislators.

    Should OPEAPAC endorse this candidate?
    Should OPEAPAC endorse this candidate along with financial support?
    Should OPEAPAC endorse this candidate with financial support as well as volunteers?

“This is a very important election cycle for OPEAPAC,” Kelley said. “And it’s time that our members become active participants in the process.”

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