Pay and Merit Bills Pass Out of Senate

Two bill that impact state employees passed out of the senate today. However,  both are  a “work in progress” and must still undergo further work before becoming law.

HB3293 by Rep. Osborn and Sen. Jolley deals with state employee pay  for some targeted employees. It was amended in the senate and the title was restored. The bill would provide some funds for pay raises for targeted positions. The bill now goes back to the house to consider the bill with senate amendments.

HB3294 also by Rep. Osborn and Sen. Jolley deals with the state merit system and would create consistency among state agencies when it comes to the merit protections. The title was not restored so it must now go to conference committee before being reconsidered by the house and senate.

Now that the end of the legislative session is near, the appropriation negotiation process begins. It is through this process that a few legislative leaders and the governor’s office will decide where state funds will go. Whether or not any state employees get a pay raise this year will be decided during the appropriation negotiations. It will be critical that state employees remain informed and be ready to advocate on behalf of themselves, their fellow employees and the people of Oklahoma.


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