Take A Stand – Tell Them “NO” on HB2630

Why is it important for me to contact my representative on this issue? While this bill only makes changes for new employees it is a step to decrease total compensation for those employees when the study clearly stated pay must be addressed. Further OPEA has heard lawmakers may also be pursuing legislation soon that would end longevity and are also being pushed to decrease dependent care costs. It is important we send a clear message NOW that they cannot decrease benefits and ignore pay! We must take a stand NOW!

What should I tell my representative? Tell them to VOTE NO ON HB2630 because they are considering cutting overall compensation but are doing nothing to raise salaries. The politicians say the new pension will keep and attract the best and brightest employees but it won’t because state salaries are too low.
Also, they don’t know if this change will still provide enough money for the current OPERS plan. If HB2630 passes, fewer employees will be paying into the OPERS plan and there has not been an actuarial study to show if this would weaken the plan for your retirement.

Contact your State Representative today and tell them “VOTE NO ON HB2630”. You can call them toll free at (800) 522-8502. Tell them that you are a state employee from their district and urge them to vote no on HB2630.To find your State Representative go to http://www.capitolconnect.com/oklahoma/default.aspx It is important that they hear from you today. Every representative needs to hear from state employees in their district about how bad this bill is. Remember to call or email them from your own phone or computer and on your own time. Contacting them on your lunch or break is OK too.


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