Candidates Sought For Vacant Region Six Co-Director Position

Due to the resignation of OPEA region six Co-Director Cody Burns, the region six council will select a member to fill the vacancy in accordance with OPEA by-laws. OPEA by-laws require that when a duly-elected Regional Director is unable to complete their term of office due to his or her resignation, the regional council shall elect a successor for the remainder of the term. Mr. Burns was one of two directors serving region six. 

If you are a region six member and  interested in running for this position, please submit your biography to Trish Frazier  by 5:00 p.m. Friday, August 2. In order to be considered,  you must live in either Cleveland, McClain, Garvin  or Pottawatomie County and be a member in good standing for at least one year. Candidates cannot have been a member of a competing organization for two years prior to the election.

The regional council will select the new board director by August 12 and the new director will be sworn in at the September 14  board meeting. The member elected will  represent the region on the board through December 2014 and work with their local regional council to support the region’s OPEA activities. The board meets approximately eight times per year  in Oklahoma City. The meetings are usually held on Saturday. Regional directors are also expected to attend local OPEA events to support their region.

If you have any questions please contact Trish Frazier at the OPEA office at 405.524.6764.


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