By Gene Blankenship

OPEA is starting a new segment for the Advocate highlighting members and their service! If you would like to suggest a member for this segment, please contact Chancen Flick at
Meet Jesse Braun, Oklahoma Military Chief of Police (Tulsa). Jesse has been a state employee for almost 21 years! Jesse has been a dedicated OPEA member since 2008. Jesse has always been a person who doesn’t wait to react, he takes the proactive approach which is why he chose a career in law enforcement.

Jesse started as a Police Officer and then moved to Police Lieutenant. Eight years ago, Jesse became the Police Chief. When asked about his job duties, Jesse explained that he along with others have multiple roles they are tasked with daily. His favorite job duties as the Police Chief include being Commander of the special operations Team, ops trainer, sniper, and tracker. Jesse enjoys the comradery he shares with the other law enforcement officers. Jesse recalled a story from a past surveillance exercise where his team were dropped off in the middle of nowhere (somewhere in Arkansas). Jesse explained that it was one of his toughest days at work. Despite the challenging circumstances, Jesse and his team persevered and executed the mission flawlessly. “On those days unbreakable bonds are formed.”

Jesse is married with two daughters who Jesse states “are his life!”. Jesse, we want to thank you for your hard work and dedication to the State of Oklahoma!