Merit Protection Commission Launches Online Filing

The Oklahoma Merit Protection Commission has announced it will launch its OnLine Filing System October 31, 2008. This system has been designed to enhance the operations of the Commission by increasing the availability, reliability, transparency and efficiency of its services and programs.

Currently, employees must mail or hand-deliver appeals and related documents to the Commission. Thereafter, the Commission communicates with the employee, agency and representatives on matters related to the appeal either by mail or telephone. Under the Online Filing System, employees and representatives will be required to register with the Commission and once registered, can file appeals and related documents on line. After an appeal is filed, the employee or representative can log on to the account to file additional documents, respond to inquiries and view the status of the appeal. Any action taken on the appeal by the employee, representative, agency or Commission will generate and automatic e-mail update to all parties.

Jenny Chong, a Personnel Programs Analyst with the Commission, has been instrumental in this project. “We look forward to the launch of our new OnLine Filing System and anticipate a quicker, more reliable method of filing and managing appeals while at the same time, providing a quality, futuristic product to the users of our system. The OnLine Filing System will provide instant access and information on an appeal and it will enhance the services we currently provide.”

“We have taken into account that there may be some employees who may not have ready access to a computer. In those instances the employee may fill out a conventional filing form for approval by the Executive Director. We realize we may experience some minor glitches once we kick off this project but we are well prepared and excited to take this step.”

The Commission is offering an overview of the OnLine Filing System at the Oklahoma Bar Association on October 28, 28 and 30, 2008. To register you may visit the Commission’s website at or contact Ms. Chong at or (405) 525-9144.

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