Do you want to invite OPEA to come to your workplace?

OPEA has requested COVID guidelines from every state agency and we now know where and how we can conduct meetings at every Oklahoma State agency.

We would love to come and talk about what we do and how we can help you! We are so excited to return to in-person as we return to the field! Don’t worry, if your workplace isn’t back to in-person meetings, online is still an option and we would love to chat with you and your employees during your Microsoft teams or zoom calls! We are flexible and willing to meet in small groups, speak to you individually, or come and talk to large groups!

Do you and your co-workers want to learn more about OPEA? Do you want a comprehensive legislative update?  We have put together an online form to fill out to request an OPEA representative to visit your worksite. 

Oh hey! If you want us to bring you lunch or breakfast, we can do that too! If you have questions please contact Candice Steele, Director of Membership, at 405-740-6799 or by email at candices@opea.org. We look forward to seeing you soon!

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