OPEA Board Elections

OPEA Office 13 NE 28th St, Oklahoma City, OK, United States

Protecting Your Nest Egg – AMBA Summer Webinar Series

Zoom Webinar

https://ambabenefits.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_zj98zTryTuq2bjLtFSpkAA Whether you are already retired or have many more years to work, most Americans worry more about outliving their money than any other issue. Join us for this session where we'll talk about a recent study that identified 5 key threats to your nest egg and how you can protect it. We'll also talk […]

OPEA’s 47th Annual Convention

OPEA’s Annual Convention and Delegate Assembly is a few months out. Save the date for OPEA’s 47th Annual Convention on August 26th & 27th, starting at 6 PM. Members are invited to join us at the Holiday Inn North located at 6200 N Robinson Ave, Oklahoma City, OK, 73118. Our annual convention is where Oklahoma […]

OPEA Board Meeting

OPEA Office 13 NE 28th St, Oklahoma City, OK, United States